Mega Targeted Content

Mega Targeted Content

Mega Targeted Content To konkretno znači da sadržaj na sajtu treba da bude namenjen konkretnoj grupi ljudi i komunicira potrebama, izazovima i problemima sa kojima se susreću. Bez targetiranog sadržaja, vi se obraćate nasumično izabranim ljudima, a to ne daje...
High Quality Links

High Quality Links

High Quality Links Most SEO experts will tell you that it all comes down to links and how many visitors click on them. Quality links are the ones that rank high, and how do you get them? You can contact experts or bloggers from your niche and encourage them to mention...
Borrow visitors from other websites

Borrow visitors from other websites

Borrow other people’s visitors While it sounds unethical to take on an audience that someone has been gathering for months or years, it’s not like that at all. Moreover, they will be grateful to you. Write a quality “guest” blog post for an...
His Majesty “Remarketing”

His Majesty “Remarketing”

His Majesty “Remarketing” Posetioci iz različitih razloga napuštaju vaš sajt, i to je potpuno OK. Ali svakako bi trebalo sve da uradite da ih vratite i podsetite zašto su vas u startu zapratili. Cilj remarketinga je da povratite stare korisnike, a u tome...
Reliable SEO Agency

Reliable SEO Agency

Reliable SEO agency Kada nešto ne znate sami, logičan korak je da potražite pomoć stručnjaka. To važi i za povećanje saobraćaja na sajtu. Internet je pun SEO stručnjaka koji obećavaju brda i doline i instant prvu poziciju na Google. Ako njihove metode i tehnike ne...